I think this is possibly the most anticipated exhibition of the year. The press, quite rightly, have been going crazy for it since it was announced at the beginning of the year.
The exhibition is guest curated by the Academy Award nominated costume designer, curator, author and historian, Deborah Nadoolman Landis, who along with her team, took over five years to bring together 100 of the most iconic costumes in films history. The roll call is to die for, but the exhibition also explores the integral role of the costume designer and how they bring a story to life...
''Costumes are one channel by which a character is transformed from the written page to a multi-dimensional people. The costume designer gives the clothes to the actor, the actor gives the character to the director, and the director tells the story. When a character and a film capture the public’s imagination; the costumes can ignite worldwide fashion trends and influence global culture. Cinematic icons are born when the audience falls deeply in love with the people in the story. And that’s what movies, and costume design, is all about'' - Deborah Nadoolman Landis.
The exhibition opens this Saturday, October 20th until 27th January 2013. It's going to be very popular so make sure you book!
Test yourself, see if you can name all the costumes above. Answers at the bottom if you need a little help!

Top image from left to right...Cate Blanchett’s regalia from Elizabeth, Charlie Chaplin’s getup from The Tramp, Kate Winslet’s ship-boarding ensemble fromTitanic, Christian Bale’s Batman suit from The Dark Knight Rises, Meryl Streep’s coat from Out of Africa,Brad Pitt’s Fight Club outfit, Ginger Rogers’s dress from Lady in the Dark, Marilyn Monroe’s fur stole and sequined shift from Some Like It Hot, Judy Garland’s “Dorothy” dress from The Wizard of Oz, and Gwyneth Paltrow’s Elizabethan frock from Shakespeare in Love.